WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 7 Mirroring a question we asked in a similar survey run during 2021, in the aftermath of Covid, we wanted to look to the future and get an impression for how our survey participants see the next 12 months, in terms of how their organisation will invest in EVP and EB. Given the economic pressures of the last year – GDP in the UK remaining flat, relatively high interest rates and no shortage of high-profile redundancy programmes – then we were apprehensive about how this question might be answered. Just 14% of our survey feel that the amount of money they will be investing in EVP and EB will reduce, compared to 50% who anticipate increases. Even the 37% who see this spend remaining the same over 2024 might be seen as a positive response. Interestingly, comparing these results to those from 2021, there are a lot of similarities. This year’s reading suggests, however, slightly more organisations will be reducing their spend – 14% compared to 7% for the previous survey. There was a similarly positive answer when we asked about the size of the in-house team working on EVP and EB over the last year within the organisations of our participants. Just 12% of our survey had experienced team downsizing, compared to 33% who had seen their team increase in size – some 8% had even seen significant team growth. Perhaps people with a positive experience over the last year are more inclined to answer such a survey, nevertheless, there is more sense of confidence and robustness circulating across the EB and EVP community than we might have anticipated. “This data suggests a deeper understanding of employer branding’s ROI. Organizations are realizing it’s not a ‘nice-to-have’ but a ‘must-have’ to attract and retain top talent, even in uncertain times. It’s heartening to see the commitment, and hopefully, those hesitant 14% will soon see the positive impact a strong EB strategy delivers.” STUART HAZELL Over the next 12 months, I anticipate that our spend on our Employer Brand will: Reduce significantly Reduce slightly Remain the same Increase slightly 10% 9% 5% 40% 36% Increase significantly