WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 8 We then asked a follow-up question probing the areas in which our participants were likely to focus their EVP/EB spending over the next 12 months. This years’ answers tended to concentrate on four main areas – reinvigorating the EVP, more use of social media, their careers site and ED&I. What is of real interest is the picture around ED&I spend. Our survey in 2021 saw 57% suggesting that they were likely to be focusing more efforts around ED&I. This year that figure dropped down to 29%. Whether this is down to employers feeling they have achieved an ideal balance around this area (and it has become something considered business as usual) or there is simply less focus, is likely to vary from organisation to organisation. “Particularly notable to me was the decreasing focus on EDI in the context of future EVP plans. There is much work still to do to achieve true equality in the workplace, reduce the gender pay gap and boost the number of senior women on boards and in leadership teams. At Softcat, we will be maintaining our spend in this area as we continue to push for progress.” REBECCA MONK The overall optimism reflected around spend intentions needs to be viewed through the lens of the market. Although the majority of our survey is generally positive about what 2024 might bring, there is a slight wariness. We asked a question around long term EB/EVP investment as opposed to an approach that is driven by the prevailing economic conditions. The responses suggest an environment in which EB practitioners are having to justify their organisation’s investment in this space on a regular basis, and that there remains a residue corporate wariness about what such investment is delivering. The long-term perspective appears to take a back seat to short term demands and pressures. To what extent would you agree with the following statement? Rather than simply reacting to the state of the economy, I would prefer that we had a long-term and consistent approach to EVP/EB investment. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree