WDAD Communications - The evolution of the pressures and opportunities facing your EVP

© 2024 WDAD Communications All rights reserved © 2024 WDAD Communications . Where are your people on your careers site? 10 ❑ Think about the role your employees are currently playing on your careers site ❑ Are they front and centre or playing a support role? ❑ How far do you have to scroll to meet those people? ❑ Why can’t they be the narrators? Why can’t they be telling your career story? ❑ Why can’t they proudly walk visitors through your career offering? ❑ The MC introducing the various elements of your employment experience? ❑ If you want to communicate how empowering your organisation is, what better place to introduce this than through your careers site? ❑ Your people are talented, creative, dynamic, they deserve centre stage