To Jason from your McDonald’s family

Hi Jason, all the very best on your relocation to the US and business. Our loss is the USmarket’s gain, I am sure you will be very successful over the pond adding great insight to steer themarket. The UK business is in a great place, in no small part down to your leadership. Wishing you and your family all the very best in your new adventure and be careful not to pick up a US accent All the very best Mark C. Wow! Jason, this is the end of an era – a wonderful 30-year era! From strange and quirky car choices (you knowwhich ones!), to hugely expensive and often outrageous shoe choices, you have always been leader. From themoment wemet back in the 90s, in Hedge End, you have been a friend and confidant, and whilst our careers ultimately went in different directions, I always viewed you with warmth, respect and a great deal of pride. You and DJ were part of a special time inmy career – with somany unforgettablememories… Jason, you are truly one of the good guys, and so deserve this wonderful opportunity, along with DJ, Nathalia and Madison. Take care and see you in Florida 2022! All the best, Mark Slán go fóill Jason! Wishing you and your family all the best with the bigmove Jen