To Jason from your McDonald’s family

Congratulations Jason! I am so delighted for you as you venture off on an amazing adventure to the US Business. Thank you somuch for all of your support, guidance and patience. I can always count on you for thoughtful advice, and equally a good laugh. Please feel free to seek my counsel as you work to adapt to the American lifestyle. My first piece of advice is to perhaps not share too early your attempts at being vegan. Other than that, your preparations should include brushing up on your American sports, listening to some Country Music and becoming a grill master. I truly hope you and your family fully enjoy your Atlanta experience. You know I am just a phone call away if you needme to explain any of our idiosyncrasies (like why do people in the South say “all, y’ all”?). It is by nomeans farewell, but rather speak soon!! All the best, Tina Jason. I’m sorry to see you go, it’s been amazing working with you on the RMHC board and as part of the exec. You’ve shaped the future and are leaving us in a good place. Always a good sign of success when the US poach you! All the best I know you will make a huge difference. Afia X Huge congratulations on the new role and move across the pond Jason. Sounds like a really exciting opportunity and anincredible adventure. I am sure you’ll do a fantastic job but will be very missed in the UK team. Hopefully, our paths will cross again soon! Best of luck with themove and new role. Marie Emery