To Jason from your McDonald’s family

Jason, thanks for your support over the years, best of luck in the new role and in themove to the States. Best wishes, Nick Hemstock Jason , you’vemade an amazing contribution to the business and you should be incredibly proud of the way you’vemoved the Operations culture forward. Thank you for all the help, support and guidance you’ve givenme over the years. I’ve enjoyed working with you tremendously and have learned a lot from you – I will look back on the last 5 years with particularly fondmemories. Good luck in your new role and I wish you and your family every success and happiness for the future. You will be greatly missed! Best wishes Jon Hi Jason Just wanted to wish you and your family all the very best on your exciting new adventuremoving to the states. I also wanted to thank you for your support and guidance over themany years we have worked together and say that you will bemissed by all your friends and colleagues in the UK. All the best Steve Howells