Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

-> Lesson Objective To make connections with global trade and biodiversity. It Wasn’t Me Launch Share definitions of biodiversity with students and ask them to rank them. Then create a class definition of biodiversity. Using images show the different ‘products’ traded by Ghana: • chocolate and cocoa • gold • coffee • hardwood products • cotton clothing • vegetables • tourism • oil Pupils are asked to express their views by moving around the classroom either create a ‘horseshoe line up’ or place the cards onto the worksheet. One end being, ‘biodiversity is being degraded’, the opposite end being, ‘biodiversity is improved’ because of each these products. Make a group decision: does Ghana really benefit from exporting these products? Can you explain why or do we need to know more? Group Work Reflecting on outcomes from launch activity, pupils look at some information about oil, cocoa and gold. Pupils decide from the evidence if their perceptions were correct. Using the information sheets about NGO’s who are helping to improve biodiversity, pupils rank the organisations in order of who is doing the most effective job. Decide whether they are helping or not. Quick Resource Guide Launch activity -Definitions ofBiodiversity ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG Biologicaldiversity is thevarietyand variabilityamong livingorganismsand the ecologicalcomplexes inwhich theyoccur. Biologicaldiversity,simplystated, is the diversityof life. Biologicaldiversity is thevarietyof lifeand itsprocesses;and it includes thevarietyof livingorganisms, thegeneticdifferences among them,and thecommunitiesand ecosystems inwhich theyoccur. Biodiversity is the totalityofgenes,species, andecosystems ina region. Biodiversity is thevarietyof lifeonearthatall its levels, fromgenes toecosystems,and the ecologicalandevolutionaryprocesses that sustain it. thenumberandvarietyoforganisms found withinaspecifiedgeographic region. thevariabilityamong livingorganismson theearth, including thevariabilitywithinand betweenspeciesandwithinandbetween ecosystems. thenumberofdifferent living thingsand the space theyeach takeup inanareaofhabitat. degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe -> -> -> Thank You For The Memories If Only I ‘d Known ItWas You... ItWasn’tMe Degrees Of Truth Making Dreams Come True Useful Websites 13 ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG Launch activity -Products traded byGhana Youractivity is toput thepictures inorderof their impactonbiodiversity. Atoneextreme thebiodiversity isdegradedat theotherextremebiodiversity is improved Chocolate Made fromcocoabeans grownonCacao trees in the forestby local family farmers inGhana. CoffeeBeans Grownon treesby farmers inGhana.Coffeecanbe grown in the forestor in largeplantations Mahogany Ahardwood thatgrows naturally in the forestsof Ghana. It ishardwearing andslow to rot inwet weather. MarketGardens Supply fruitandvegetables for localconsumptionand forexportby refrigerator aircraft. degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG Launch activity -Products traded byGhana Youractivity is toput thepictures inorderof their impactonbiodiversity. Atoneextreme thebiodiversity isdegradedat theotherextremebiodiversity is improved GoldMining Gold is found in the rock undera largepartof WesternGhana including some forest reserves. Tourism Manypeoplevisitnational parksandgame reserves to watchwildlife. OilProduction Oil isdrilledoff thecoast ofGhana.Someprocessing andstorage takesplaceon landnearAccra thecapital. TShirts Cotton isgrownby farmers in theNorthofGhana. Thecottonplantneeds irrigationwaterand fertilizers. degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe Love One www.onedifference.org - a not-for- profit bottled water which gave all its profits away to fund well-building programmes. It’s not just water anymore. They now have ‘One Vitamin Water’ and One® condoms, all raising more money for the biggest humanitarian issues. Fairtrade Foundation www.fairtrade.org.uk - official website for approved Fairtrade products in the UK. Information about products, producers, awareness campaigns, activities and resources. Comic Relief www.comicrelief.com - charity website raising money to work towards a poverty free world. VSO Voluntary Services Overseas www.vso.org.uk - UK organisation which fights global poverty by sending volunteers overseas to share their skills and experiences. Life Changing Travel www.i-to-i.com/volunteer - opportunities to travel and volunteer in less fortunate communities overseas. Geography & map of Ghana www.geography.about.com/library/cia/ blcghana - an online neighbourhood of hundreds of helpful experts, eager to share their wealth of knowledge with visitors.