Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective INFORMATION PROCESSING To be able to draw a conclusion from different sources of information. Volunteer - is the practice of people working on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain. Government - is the body within an organisation that has authority to make and the power to enforce laws, regulations, or rules. Co-operative - part of what is called the “third sector”, where the aim is not to maximise profits. A co-operative belongs to its members and is run and controlled by them. Decisions are taken on the principle of one person, one vote. Fairtrade - items marketed and sold in such a way that all producers of the product receive a fair wage for their work. Community - a group of individuals/ nations having common interests. Micro finance - refers to the provision of financial services to low-income clients, including consumers and the self-employed, who traditionally lack access to banking and related services. B i od i ve r s i t y & POVERTY Action Active Citizenship ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG Launch activity -Products traded byGhana Youractivity is toput thepictures inorderof their impactonbiodiversity. Atoneextreme thebiodiversity isdegradedat theotherextremebiodiversity is improved explainyour reasons forwhereyouplaced this itemon the linebiodiversitydegraded tobiodiversity improved. explainyour reasons forwhereyouplaced this itemon the linebiodiversitydegraded tobiodiversity improved. explainyour reasons forwhereyouplaced this itemon the linebiodiversitydegraded tobiodiversity improved. explainyour reasons forwhereyouplaced this itemon the linebiodiversitydegraded tobiodiversity improved. ? ? ? ? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? Biodiversity improved Biodiversitydegraded degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe Groupwork -NonGovernmental Organisations (NGO) NGO’sareorganisationsor interestgroups thatseek tohighlight theirareasof interest oractivelyparticipate inpracticalaction NAMeANdWeBsiteoFNGo rANKoFMosteFFeCtiveNGo NGo iNForMAtioN oxfam isan internationaldonor aidcharity. itsprimaryaim is tosupplyaid todisasterareas around theworld (servicedelivery). itssecondaryaim is to reduce poverty; itdoes thisby facilitating andadvocacy (gettingpeople to work theirwayoutofpovertyand organisingpeopleso theyhave apoliticalvoice).theysupport environmentalgroups. Fairtrade isan international advocacycharitywho lobby governments to reduceexploitation andunfair tradingpractices. it hasdeveloped intoacharity that empowersworkers toorganise andgain leverage tochargea fairer price for theirproducts.Chocolate isamajorpartofFairtrade’swork helping farmers reducepovertyand destructive farmingmethods. Greenpeacechampions thedefence of thenaturalworld,withcampaigns againstnuclearpower, toxic chemicalsandgeneticallymodified (GM) food.Greenpeacecampaigns oftenbydemonstrations for forest preservation. inGhana, it lobbies thegovernmentandcompanies tostopdestructive logging for timber,palmoilandgoldmining. it uses thecourts toprosecute illegal operations. treeAid isacharity thataids projects forcommunityself reliance indevelopingwoodlandsasa sustainable resource forvillages. Usingfirewood isamajor issue indeforestation.treeAidhelps villagersdevelopbusinessesby growing fruitandnut treeswhich canalsobeharvested forfirewood at theendof theirproductive life. thereareonly twoprojects in Ghana. ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe TreeAid www.treeaid.org.uk Greenpeace www.greenpeace.org.uk Fairtrade www.fairtrade.org.uk Oxfam www.oxfam.org.uk Wheredoyou ranktreeAid forbiodiversity? Wheredoyou rankGreenpeace forbiodiversity? Wheredoyou rankFairtrade forbiodiversity? Wheredoyou rankoxfam forbiodiversity? -> -> INFORMATION PROCESSING Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Enquiry Creative Thinking Key Words 14 ItWasn’tMe Biodiversity & Poverty CreAtive tHiNKiNG iNForMAtioN ProCessiNG Groupwork -Were your perceptions correct? Ghanahasmany industries,whatare their impacts?Wewill lookat threemajor industries inGhana,youcancomment onhow these industries impact thepeople, landscapeandwildlifeofGhana. informationonoil Oil taxbrings$500,000 toGhanaevery day.TheoilcanbeusedbyGhana,so itneednot relyon imports.TheOil industryemploysmanyworkerson goodpay,builds infrastructure (roads, schoolsetc)andhelpsdevelopGhana. Mostoilprofitsgo toMultinational Companies.Oilproductionpollutes land,airandwater.Fishing isan important industryand foodsource for Ghana.Accidentscankillandmaim.Oil fieldscrossnationalboundaries.The IvoryCoastclaims its oil isbeingstolenbyGhana. Thismaycausewar! Whatdoyou thinkabout theoil industry?Whatwouldyouchange? Whatdoyou thinkabout theGold industry?Whatwouldyouchange? Whatdoyou thinkabout theCocoa industry?Whatwouldyouchange? informationonGold Goldaccounts for37%ofGhana’s exportearnings. The legalgold industryemploysmanyworkerson goodpay,builds roads,healthcentres, new technologiesandapproaches to Ghana.Localpeoplealsomakemoney in the illegalgoldminingoperations in Ghana.Goldmining isdestructive to theenvironment;someof themines are in forest reserves.Chemicalsused toextractgoldareextremelyhazardous.Mostof theprofit goes towesterncompanies. Illegalminingcauses forest destructionandwaterpollution. informationonCocoa Cocoaaccounts for45%ofGhana’s exportearnings.Most farmsaresmall and familyowned,giving jobs tomany people in ruralareas.The farmshavea small impacton forest landbyplanting in loggedareas.GhanaexportsCocoa, only8%of theendvaluegoes to the farmers.Mostof theprofitgoes tobig, multinationalcompaniesbased in the westwhocontrol thepricepaid for cocoa.Childrenworkonmany farms in Ghana. Oilproduction.Oil is pumpedoutof rock under theseaoff thecoastofGhana. It ispipedashore to beprocessed, then exportedorused in Ghana. Some localpeopledon’t benefit fromoildrilling. Legaland illegalgoldmines habitatdestruction. All the familyworkson the farm.Sometimes childrenare forced to work fornopay. Cacaopod ripening on the tree.After harvesting, thecocoa is fermentedand dried.Cocoapowder (mass)andoil (butter) aremixedwithsugar, milkandoil tomake chocolate. GoldMining inGhana. Rock isdugoutof theground,crushed and treatedwith chemicals toextract thesmallamountsof goldpresent. degreesoftruth thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... Makingdreams Cometrue itWasn’tMe Plenary Pupils present their ranking and review each others’ results. Draw a class conclusion. Extension Consider a big, new idea that could help improve biodiversity in Ghana, whilst still providing a range of products for use in Europe. Consider options like biodiversity credits which subsidise the cost of sustainably produced products and are drawn from a financial penalty that has come from products that have degraded the environment. For example 20% tax is added to the value of gold to subsidise the price of organic non-timber forest products. 10 mins - research challenge. Who can find the most definitions of biodiversity than those used in the launch activity– are they better? Half an hour - quick internet search competition. Find out what impact the new oil industry is having on biodiversity in Ghana. Two hours - research UK charities that are supporting poverty and biodiversity in your local area. In what ways can you support them in a meaningful way within school without just raising funds? Longer - use the ICED website www.icedghana.com/department/ projects to look at Case Studies about water hygiene and sanitation projects or forest projects in Ghana, that support the Millennium Development Goals. Set up ways your school could support these projects. This might be by establishing a school link and learning from one another. Research some of the issues associated with child labour in cocoa production and our links through purchasing chocolate. Make a presentation to share with the rest of school to raise awareness.