Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

-> Lesson Objective To question whether a community’s improved well being and economic growth always has to result in a loss of biodiversity. If Only I’d Known It Was You Launch Pupils are given four graphs: • population growth • population growth & species extinction • loss of habitats • Increase/decrease ‘Happy Planet Index’ (HPI) Pupils place generic descriptor cards on each graph to describe the patterns/changes, and also place on statement cards to personalise the graphs. Useful Websites Thank You For The Memories If Only I’d Known ItWas You... ItWasn’tMe Degrees Of Truth Making Dreams Come True Group Work As a whole group, pupils are given the same scenario of a pristine natural environment, e.g: Bui National Park, Ghana (www.touringghana.com/ecotourism/bui.asp ) and are challenged to create a plan where the lives of local communities are improved without any loss of biodiversity. In small groups, focus on one of the Millennium Development Goals and decide how are they going to plan for development to implement one MDG without a negative impact on biodiversity. Quick Resource Guide 15 ‘HappyPlanet Index’graph. Graphsource:www.happyplanetindex.org IfOnly I’dKnown ItWasYou... Biodiversity & Poverty reAsoNiNG Happy lifeyears,ecological footprintandHPiover time foroeCdnations %Change since 1961 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 HLy eF HPi yearswheremost life satisfactiondatawas estimated thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue IfOnly I’dKnown ItWasYou... Biodiversity & Poverty reAsoNiNG Graphsource:www.salsa.democracyinaction.org speciesextinctionandHumanPopulation extinction innumbers Population innumbers 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1800 1830 1860 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 time HumanPopulation (Millions) extinctions thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue IfOnly I’dKnown ItWasYou... Biodiversity & Poverty reAsoNiNG Graphsource:www.coolgeography.org AGraphofWorldPopulationGrowth 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Population inMillions Date 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999 2050 2150 theNorth -sometimes referred toas the developedWorld thesouth -sometimes referred toas the developingWorld thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue -> -> -> People and Planet www.peopleandplanet.org - student action to raise awareness of poverty and environmental issues. Tagd (UNICEF) www.tagd.org.uk/Default.aspx - engaging with young people about issues such as climate change. Includes competitions, suggestions of how to get involved. Worldmapper www.worldmapper.org - collection of maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. United Nations Population Fund www.unfpa.org/data/ - branch of UN that compiles data in the hope of promoting a safe future for all. Population Reference Bureau www.prb.org - data bank & graphs covering topics like environment, health & population. Millennium Development Goals www.un.org/millenniumgoals - UN website providing information of what is being done & what needs to be done to reach the MDG’s. Make Poverty History www.makepovertyhistory.org - anti-poverty movement campaigning to drop Third World Debt. Oxfam www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/ change_the_world_in_eight_steps - educational resource from Oxfam providing case studies & posters about the MDG’s. Food Aid www.foodaid.org.uk - charity helping reduce dependency on food aid around the world, including a school campaign. UN Habitat www.unhabitat.org - promoting sustainable settlements. Bui National Park www.touringghana.com/ecotourism/bui. asp - one of the largest protected areas in Ghana.