Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

-> Thinking Skills Objective ENQUIRY To develop a more critical approach to using information from different sources. Conservation - the act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; will allow some change to protect certain species when under threat. A wise management of natural resources. Eco-system - a community of living things and the environment in which they live. Closed loop - this is a system that recycles materials and resources back into the production process, without any significant losses such as emissions of toxic materials. Evolution - change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Biodiversity - the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or for the entire Earth. Unsustainable - use of resources (often natural/finite) at a rate that will eventually deplete the resources and/or cause major ecological damage. Sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Threatened species - any species (including animals, plants, fungi) which are vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Biodiversity hot spot - the variation of life forms within a specific area, such as the mountains of South West China. Take make throw - a human society strongly influenced by consumerism. The term describes a critical view of over consumption and excessive production of short-life products that are disposed of after use. B i od i ve r s i t y & POVERTY Action Active Citizenship ENQUIRY Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Creative Thinking Enquiry Key Words Quick Resource Guide 18 Degrees OfTruth Biodiversity & Poverty eNQUiry UrbanBeeswebsite. There issomepositivenews, thenewphenomenonofurbanbeekeeping is takingoffandNewYorkauthoritieshave over turnedabankeepingbees in thecity.TheUnitedNation’s InternationalYearofBiodiversityhaspromptedCity CouncilofLondon to introduceanumberofhives into thesquaremileandputonanumberofartistic installations. UrbanBeesareworkingwith thecouncil toadviseand train thenewbeekeepingcommunity. thesaveourBeesCampaign. If thebeedisappearedoff thesurfaceof theglobe thenmanwouldonlyhave fouryearsof life left.Nomorebees,no morepollination,nomoreplants,nomoreanimals,nomoreman.Billionsof theUK’sbeesaredying fromunknown causes.One in threehoneybeecolonies in theUKwere lost lastwinteralone.TheUK’sbumblebeesarealsosuffering because therearen’tenoughwildflowers for them. Allbeesneedoursupport.Beesarevitally important foreveryone. Inall, theyare responsible forpollinatingone-third ofall the foodsweeat!TheUKpublichasbeenasked tohelpsaveUKbeesbyplantingbee friendlyplantsacross the country! Jordan’sCerealwebsite. Leadingbrands like Jordan’sandTheCooperativesupermarketarebackingbeesavingcampaigns.TheCo-ophasa petitionagainstpesticideuseaswellasadviceonhow tocater forbees inyourgarden.They’veeven teamedupwith GoneGardening.com togivePlanBeesupportersa 15%discountonaFSC-certifiedBeeNestingBox. Jordan’sprompts beekeepingon it’s farms toencouragepollinationofcrops, they introduceda ‘collect token’givingaway lavender plants toattractbees to theircustomersgardens,andhas itsownNatureReserveatPensthorpe inNorfolk. BritishBeekeepersAssociationwebsite. TheBritishBeekeepersAssociationhas,due todemand,created thefirst ‘adoptabeehive’scheme forpeoplewhoare unable tokeepahive themselves.Thiswillgenerate funds for further research intohoneybeehealthandeducate newbeekeepers. Someschoolsareeven joining the revolutionseeing itasan important,handsonapproach to educatechildrenabout lossofspecies. Allbeesneedoursupport.Beesarevitally important foreveryone. Inall, they are responsible forpollinatingone-thirdofall the foodsweeat!TheUKpublichasbeenasked tohelpsaveUKbees byplantingbee friendlyplantsacross thecountry! Groupwork -What if there are no bees? thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe Makingdreams Cometrue degreesoftruth Degrees OfTruth Biodiversity & Poverty eNQUiry Groupwork -What if there are nowild orang-utans? dailyMail,March2007. AnewUnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme report,TheLastStandof theOrang-utan,claims thatby thebeginning of the2020’s, thegreat rainforestsofBorneoandSumatrawillhavevanished.Thiswillmean thecertainextinction of thewildorang-utan.Theonlysurvivinganimalswillbe inzoosandsmallprotected reserves.And thecauseof this devastation?Largely, itseems themassivegrowthofpalmoilplantationswhich, it isclaimed,are literallykilling these apesbydepriving themof their last remaininghabitat. Inonefinal irony, ‘bio-fuels’produced in former rainforests maynot, in fact,becarbonneutralatall.According tosomecalculations,bio-dieselderived frompalmoilmay actuallyproduce twiceasmuchCO2asSaudicrude,once thecarbondioxide releasedby forestclearancehasbeen factored into theequation.Yes, it ispossible toproduceeco-friendly ‘sustainable’bio-diesel, frompalmplantations whichdonot threaten thesurvivalofeither thegreat junglesor theanimalswhich live in them.But that takes time andcarefulmanagement -neitherofwhichplaymuchpart in theWildWestworldof illegal forestclearance.The result?Palmoilmaywellbea fuelof the future forman inhisurban jungles.Butsadly, itmayalsobe thedeathknell for theglorious ‘manof the forest’. thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe Makingdreams Cometrue degreesoftruth Degrees OfTruth Biodiversity & Poverty thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe Makingdreams Cometrue degreesoftruth eNQUiry Groupwork -What if scenarios Facts opinions What is happening? Why is this happening? What evidence is there to support this? Canyou think ofpossible solutions? Howwill it affectyou directlyor indirectly? -> -> Plenary Discuss …’what if’ products were taxed differently? i.e. if products with a high environmental /social impact were taxed higher and low impact products were taxed lower. Would this solve some of the issues? Will it create new issues? Extension As a global citizen, we are dependent on the biodiversity of other regions. Can poorer people afford not to protect their local biodiversity? Create a spider diagram of your ideas to show; • interconnections/interdependence between nations regarding biodiversity. • where there’s a positive connection between biodiversity and economic activity. 10 mins - find out the most interesting/scary fact about loss of habitat. Share this on a graffiti wall. Does it impact on you? Half an hour - find out where new habitats are being created/restored in the local area (for example hedgerows). Write a message to thank them and then promote this to encourage more people to follow suit. Two hours - research by sourcing old images and pictures of the local area, and through interviewing local residents about changes that have taken place over the last 50 years. Collate the results to assess whether biodiversity has been lost or gained during this time. Longer - make a plan to restore/create a habitat in your local community. As part of this plan try and think about how this could be supported financially by the local community (consider doing things differently to one-off fund raising, such as pricing things according to impact on biodiversity). Survey the local community about your proposals.