Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Lesson Objective To pose the question ‘how can we have a more equable standard of living across the world and at the same time improve biodiversity?’ Thank You For The Memories If Only I’d Known ItWas You... ItWasn’tMe Making Dreams Come True UK Ghana 70% of people in UK households have the internet 4% of people in Ghana have access to the internet Average life expectancy for men: 77 and women: 82 Life expectancy for Ghanaian: 57.2 100% of population has access to clean water 53% of population has access to clean water Pupil-teacher ratio for primary school is 26:1 secondary school is 31:1 Pupil-teacher ratio for primary school is 35:1 secondary school is 20:1 Launch thumbs up/thumbs down – it’s okay/not okay? Using these statements, ask pupils to give the thumbs up/down sign to showwhether they agree or disagree. Group Work Start with an initial discussion: ‘why do we all dream/hope for better things/want more?’ For yourself and a Ghanaian 16 year old fill the ‘dream and reality’ chart – for each theme associated with living: jobs, education, relationships, family, environment, homes and politics. Use images as a stimulus for thinking of different options. Report back and spot any differences with the objective of challenging stereotypes. Discuss from within the group how many dreams are truly sustainable? How many have a positive impact on biodiversity and the local community? Consider any negative impacts of their initial dreams on biodiversity and the economy. Homes Transport Dream Food School Environment Making Dreams Come True (group work) Homes Transport Dr ams vs. Reality Food School Environment Homes Transpo Food School Environment Useful Websites Degrees Of Truth MakingDreams ComeTrue Quick Resource Guide 19 MakingDreamsComeTrue Biodiversity & Poverty thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue CreAtive tHiNKiNG Groupwork - Dreams vs. Reality MakingDreamsComeTrue(groupwork) Homes Transport Dreams vs. Reality Food School Environment Homes Transport Food School Environment JoBs FAMiLy edUCAtioN HoMe PoLitiCs eNviroNMeNt reLAtioNsHiPs MakingDreamsComeTrue Biodiversity & Poverty thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue CreAtive tHiNKiNG Put your picture here Groupwork - Dreams vs. Reality JoBs FAMiLy edUCAtioN HoMe PoLitiCs eNviroNMeNt reLAtioNsHiPs -> -> Footprint Friends www.footprintfriends.com - appealing to younger generation with games, competitions and local events, click on gallery and downloads to access youth testimonies. Play Pumps www.playpumps.org - provide free safe drinking water to schools across Africa, download the action kit to help. Conservation International www.conservation.org - empowering society to conserve natural resources, interesting videos and photos to download. Water Aid www.wateraid.org - international charity dedicated to enabling all access to safe water, learn zone contains resources for KS3 Curriculum. United Utilities www.unitedutilities.co.uk/ usingwaterwisely - utilities company tips on saving water. Cumbria Woodlands www.cumbriawoodlands.co.uk - organisation set up to regenerate woodlands to natural glory providing sustainable fuel options and generating jobs. UK National Statistics www.statistics.gov.uk - government statistic service covering data on all aspects of life in the UK. Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development www.oecd.org - statistical hub for democratic countries, useful for comparisons. DEFRA www.statistics.defra.gov.uk - detailed site containing government policy and mapping for sustainable development. Material Change for a Better Environment www.wrap.org.uk/retail - recycling suggestions to help reduce climate change. Energy Saving Trust www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Resources - useful statistics. Department for Transport www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/statistics - useful statistics. Common Wealth of Nations www.commonwealth-of-nations.org - a voluntary association of 54 countries that support each other and work together towards shared goals in democracy and development. World Bank www.web.worldbank.org - a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. United Nations - www.mdgmonitor.org - progress on the MDG’s.