Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Lesson Objective To assess the strengths and weaknesses of presenting information in different formats. To raise awareness of the links between loss of biodiversity and poverty. Thank You For The Memories Launch Kim’s game - display an arrangement of eco-products for one minute. Then remove from view. How many items can the group remember? Or by removing only one item, can they name it? Discuss what makes the objects more or less memorable. Useful Websites Thank You For The Memories If Only I’d Known ItWas You... ItWasn’tMe Degrees Of Truth Making Dreams Come True SWOT message audit Strengths What gets messages across? Weaknesses What stops messages getting across? Opportunities How could it be improved? Threats What’s around that is better? Group Work Show pupils a selection of videos/slam poetry/poetry/rap/blogs/ written words/dance/drama/audio/podcasts about the same theme - loss of biodiversity and community involvement to replenish these damaged environments. Produce a SWOT analysis in groups or pairs for each type of presentation. Consider - has the loss of biodiversity seen an increase/decrease in the levels of poverty in the local communities? Is this a win-win situation or a win-lose situation or a lose-lose situation? 21 -> Quick Resource Guide Groupwork -AfricanEnvironmentalPoems ThankYouForTheMemories Biodiversity & Poverty thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue She toldus toplant trees, andwepaidhernoheed Andnow the tapsaredry. They released awater rationingschedule today Awaterconservationmeasure theysay, Because the tapsaredry. Weshouldhave rationedourgreed Andpaidherheed Whenshe toldusnot tocutdown forest trees Butwedidnotsee thewisdomofherpleas Andnow the tapsaredry. We thought that thepriceof foodwashigh, Untilwehad tochoosewhat tobuy, Foodor the liquidof life? Yesterday Ihad toexplain tomydaughter, that thechoicewasbetween foodandwater, Now thatour tapsaredry. Whowouldhave thought That thedaywouldcome, WhenwewouldstandunderGod’sglorioussun Andbuywaterby thegallon. Wecannotsay thatwedidnotsee itcoming, Becauseshegaveusamplewarning Thatsoon thedaywouldbedawning, Whenwewouldwakeuponemorning Andfind thatour tapsweredry. Sonowweare takingconservationmeasures, A little too late Weare reclaimingour treasures, Thatweresquanderedandplundered Tosuit thewhimsofa few. We lacked forethought, Andweshouldhave fought, Justasshe taught, Toprotect the liquidof life. Weshouldhavebeenas far-sightedasshe, Who toldusnot tocutdown trees, Thenperhaps todaywewouldnotbecrying Over the fact thatour tapsaredrying. evALUAtioN NoWthetAPs Aredry byMaureen InjeteChesoni Groupwork -EnvironmentalPoems ThankYouForTheMemories Biodiversity & Poverty Idon’twantmychildren tosee theEarthdie, Withoutfishswimandwithoutbirdsfly, Withnoair forbreathing,nowater todrink, Whenglobalconditionswillmake the landsink. Idon’twantemissions tostay in theair, Tofillour lungsand tospreadeverywhere, Tocauseglobalwarming,submerging the land! Tostopall thismessweshould lendourhand! Thenature isdying togetherwithus, Wewouldn’texistherebut for thegreengrass… Wemustpreventnature fromsaying “farewell”- Incase it isdying,we’redyingaswell! Whatcouldhumanbeings`activitiesmean– Tomakeourplanetonebig rubbishbin?! Nomatter thatyoumaybeonlya teen– It’snever tooearlyor late tobegreen! Toshowourchildren thebeautyof life; Tohelppolarbearsandpandassurvive; Toclaim to theworld that this talkshouldgainweight Let’sfirstly takepart in theglobaldebate! evALUAtioN APoeMABoUtCLiMAteChANge by JuliaMelnikova Mynaturalstate is tonurturenature likea father raises ason Butas Iglance froma farwatching thecorruptionof its planetarystate Thedebris from thedestruction isdistracting from the dissertationdisplayed Demonstrating thedishevelledplanet While ignoring theproblem replacing itwithpolitical precipices Thematterofsaving theplanethasbeenoverlooked Seewearestuckwalkingbarefootona roadofoldcoral andbroken trees Theplanetscreamsusingsoundsof thecrashingwaves anderuptingvolcanoes These tragediesyouvieware thecandy landversionof the truth Themeltingglaciersare the tearsofa face thatwewalk ondaily But latelywe forgotten theword interdependent Collaboration isnot just for rapartists We reclining inahammockofpollution Thecrimeswecommitarenotgoingunpunished Theplanetfightingbackwithavengeance Ithurtsusbecausewehurt it Sowepleadandbeg forgiveness Tospareus it’s fromhisglobalwrath Thepathwewalk is thenpath tohealing Dealingcards forchance towincelestialpeace Hoping tobegrantedapardon From rottensoiland thepoison fruit Changing froma free-spokenspecies toasoftspoken protozoan race Ofmonkeysandprimateswithanunrealisticviewof lifeand love Causingcratersofstupiditywitha thousand tonsof childrenbooksand lostballots Commoncourtesy for theearth is threatenedaplant species Myquestion is if Inurturenaturewhycan’tyou? NAtUrALstAte byDerrick ‘Dex’Webster thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue Groupwork -EnvironmentalPoem andSong ThankYouForTheMemories Biodiversity & Poverty Darkenedclouds,windand rain. Leftalonewithall thispain. It’swinterherewithoutyou. Landslidesalwaysdragmedown Trapped fordays,will Ibe found? Ipray forskiesofblue. Floodedplainswithinmyhead Tornadoesdrawnear, leaveme fordead. I feelalonewithoutyou. Drought from tears Iknownot for I’vecried fordays, Icrynomore. I’vemademistakes, it’s true Hurricanewavespoundonmyshore I’mdrowningonmybedroomfloor. Willweneverbe together? Thisnaturalbridge fromheart toheart Collapsed inshreds, fallenapart Theseseasons last forever. evALUAtioN NAtUrALdisAster byKevinBlacker Everyday therearedyingout Somespeciesofanimalsandplants. Stop theenvironmentaldisaster, Onlynowwehaveachance. Threatenedcreatures,dirtyseas, Pollutedatmosphere,dying trees. Everydaywearedestroying Apartof thisbeautifulnature. Stop theecocidenow, Orwewillhaveno future. We investmillionsofdollars Inscienceandmarsexploration, Thatwecan leave thisplanet When it isfinallydestroyed. Use themoney forsaving theenvironment, Thiswouldbe thousand timesmoreefficient! Threatenedcreatures,dirtyseas, Pollutedatmosphere,dying trees. Stop the insanity! -stop theecocide! Stop the indifference! -stop thesuicide! eNviroNMeNtALdisAster byAcousticTorment thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue -> -> -> The Age of Stupid www.ageofstupid.net - the documentary and the producer of this drama-documentary-animation hybrid looks at an old man living in the devastated world of 2055, watching ‘archive’ footage from 2008 and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change while we had the chance? The Wildlife Trusts www.wildlifetrusts.org – impact of climate change on our wildlife, how England’s wildlife is reducing and changing. One minute to save the world www.1minutetosavetheworld.com - a short film competition on climate change inviting entrants and viewers from all over the world. The story of climate change will be told by the people it is affecting - you. Unite for Climate www.uniteforclimate.org - an entry point into the world of youth action on climate change. Here you can join the community, find out how young people are responding to climate change, learn about their experiences, and join campaigns from around the world. Pygmie Baka www.pygmies.info - a people of hunters and gatherers, Baka Pygmies live in the rainforest of Cameroon. Independent newspaper article www.independent.co.uknews/ world/africa/can-one-womansave- africa-1794103.html - about Wangari Maathai who saw trees being chopped down in her backyard in Kenya and dedicated her life to saving Africa’s rainforests.