Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective EVALUATION Getting messages across in the most effective way using a variety of methods to share/promote environmental messages - video/slam poetry/blogs/written words/ dance/drama. Rainforest - forest that occurs naturally in an area of high rainfall. Rainforests are usually found near the sea or in mountainous regions that receive a great deal of rain. Tropical forests are generally rainforests that are rich in biodiversity. Eco-system - a community of living things and the environment in which they live. Biodiversity - the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or for the entire Earth. Threatened species - any species (including animals, plants, fungi, etc.) which are vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Extinction - the end of an organism/ species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species. Conservation - the act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; will allow some change to protect certain species when under threat. A wise management of natural resources. B i od i ve r s i t y & POVERTY Action Active Citizenship EVALUATION Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Enquiry Creative Thinking Key Words 22 Other useful references and links for poems videos and text www.eleanorrees.com -some interestingpoemswithanenvironmental focus www.poetrysociety.org.uk/lib/tmp/cmsfiles/File/environment-Petrucci-PdF.pdf - a reallyuseful resourcewith examplesofapproaches tousingpoetryandcreativewriting www.climatechangeexplorer.org.uk -videossuchas ‘Ceciland thepenguins’madebystudents inCumbria www.bgci.org -a link toapoetryslamonenvironmental issues www.youtube.com -youcanfindmanyexamplesbyusingkeywords ‘environmentalor ‘habitatdestruction’ ‘habitat restoration inuk’ ‘LastChild in theWoods’byrichardLouv ThankYouForTheMemories Biodiversity & Poverty evALUAtioN thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue ThankYouForTheMemories Biodiversity & Poverty thankyou Forthe Memories ifonly i’d Known itWasyou... itWasn’tMe degreesoftruth Makingdreams Cometrue Groupwork -SWOTAnalysis TheSWOTanalysishelpsyouevaluate thedifferent typesofpresentation. s -strengths W -Weaknesses o -opportunities t -threats strengths opportunities strengths opportunities Weaknesses threats Weaknesses threats evALUAtioN -> Plenary Encourage students to review the effectiveness and assess instant impact. Select best format for this group. “Quick fire” group activity that gets messages across to different audiences: younger siblings, parents, other teachers, older relatives, and groups of their choice. Extension Critically analyse past awareness campaigns, e.g: ‘Dig for victory’, AIDS campaign in the 1980’s, seat belts and road safety, smoking, drinking. What lessons can be learned from these campaigns to improve sharing messages about biodiversity and to improve peoples understanding and encourage them to support better biodiversity. Choose a key message about the value or threats to local biodiversity to get to your selected audience: 10 mins - initiate tweet, text message to link others to the message. Half an hour - compose a slam poem/blog to highlight this environmental issue. Two hours - create a five minute presentation (select the best medium from earlier work) to share with rest of year group to raise awareness of the value of biodiversity (locally, regionally, nationally, globally). Longer - organise and arrange for people to give a presentation/ talk in school or local community: local wildlife trust, farm action group, BTCV, Groundwork, who have responsibility for some natural conservation areas. Prepare some questions for them to answer and assess the methods they use to present their information. Visit the site to gain first hand experience and evaluate for yourself how accurate the information was. If possible set up some long termmonitoring of the site (set up a photo library, measure environmental variables, changes in flora and fauna etc).