Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective INFORMATION PROCESSING To formulate a range of relevant questions in order to predict what might happen if climate continues to change. Using the five ‘w’ questions - Who? What? Where? Why? When? and then consider ‘So what’ are the implications? Take, make, throw products - intended for a single use prior to being discarded. Closed loop thinking - systems that allow the re-cycling of materials and resources back into the production process, without any losses such as emissions of toxic materials. Carbon footprint -the amount of non-renewable resources used, and greenhouse gases emitted, either directly or indirectly by an individual, organisation, community or product. Low carbon options - to minimise carbon dioxide emissions from a human activity. Sustainable lifestyle - a specific lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources. Economic - social system of production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services Climate Change - a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. Re-cycle - involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials. Drought - a long period with very little or no precipitation. Up-cycle - the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value. Down-cycle - the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of lesser quality and reduced functionality. Flood - an overflow of expanse of water that submerges land. CL IMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Action Active Citizenship Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Enquiry Creative Thinking Key Words 24 TheClimateAndMe CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Groupwork -Ask the five ‘w’s Who?What?Where?Why?When?andSoWhat? tobuildabetterpictureof the familiesshown in the photographs. If the followingchanges tookplacewhere these families live,whatwouldhappen to them in the shortor long term? Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change Family Short term Long term Changes in rainfall patterns Rising temperatures Increased flooding INFORMATION PROCESSING INFORMATION PROCESSING Plenary Groups report back on predicted impacts and responses. Then discuss how much the five ‘w’ questions helped pull out key information and how far can you explore the ‘so what’ question. Extension Your home is about to be flooded, you have five minutes to leave, what 10 things would you try to take with you? List all the items on post it notes & place on wall. Then split into ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. How would you decide what to take? Discuss the basis of your values. 10 mins - check out recent local, regional, national and global events where people have needed to leave their homes suddenly. Any common causes? Any common solutions? Half an hour - research and find out about ‘up-cycling’ and ‘down- cycling’. How best can we improve resource management? Two hours - set up ‘free cycle’ in school for books, furniture, vegetables, lift sharing, uniforms, clothing etc. Longer - take the ‘free cycle’ model into the community. Research what products people might want to free cycle (what would they put into the scheme and that would they want to collect from the scheme?) Consider operating a system to mend and repair furniture, bikes etc to return to the community. Can you calculate the CO2 reductions this scheme might generate?