Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Lesson Objective To assess the implications of some global economic activities on the environment and their impact on climate change. Moving Forward Launch Use a variety of everyday items or images (food, clothes, household items) plus a description of the product and where the components/raw materials components originate and are made. Share out images and product descriptions, find partner to match product and relevant description. Mark on world map. Useful Websites Ignorance Is Bliss Moving Forward The Climate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change Group Work Look at exemplar of the ‘think chair’ mind map – use this to help you create a mind map for an ipod, focusing on the key parts (battery, memory, screen etc). Then use the mind map to help make a concept map . Link information such as where parts are produced, how much workers get paid, how many air miles, how much packaging is used etc. Show links between areas, giving reasons for dependence on other places. Also consider the benefits and problems for the consumers and the end user. 25 -> Quick Resource Guide Moving Forward CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change Launch activity -Product description Productdescription Fridge -acoolingappliance thatkeeps thecontentsat temperaturebelowambient.Refrigerators areextensivelyused tostore foodswhichspoil frombacterialgrowth ifnotkeptcool. Where it ismade: Indesit -Poland,UK,Russia ToyotaPrius -ahybridelectricmid-sizecardevelopedandmanufacturedbytheToyotaMotorCorpora- tion. Where it ismade:Toyotahas52manufacturingcompanies in27countriesthePrius ismade in Japan Ipod – isApple’s trademarkname for itspocket-sizeddeviceused toplaymusicfiles. Where it ismade:Korea,China,Assembled inAmerica Clothing -acoveringdesigned tobewornonaperson’sbody Where it ismade:China,America, India,Bangladesh Television - awidelyused telecommunicationmedium for transmittingand receivingmoving images,eitherblackandwhiteorcolour,accompaniedbysound. Where it ismade:Samsung -Russia Digitalcamera -acamera thatdoesnotusefilm,but insteadstores thephotographs inadigital format inmemoryon thecamera.These imagescan thenbedownloaded toacomputer for manipulation. Where it ismade:Samsung -Korea Mobilephone -a long-rangedeviceused forcommunicatingwhilston themovebyeithervoice or textmessage. Where it ismade:60%aremade inChina Videogameconsole - an interactiveentertainmentcomputerorelectronicdevicewhichcanbe usedwithadisplaydevicewitheithera television,ormonitor todisplayavideogame. Where it ismade:Playstation (Sony’sgamesconsole) -made in Japan. Toiletries - anarticle,suchas toothpasteorahairbrush,used inpersonalgroomingordressing Where it ismade:BodyShop–ethicalsourcing (CommunityTrading)of ingredients from bananapuree fromEcuador toseaweed from Ireland. Spectacles - framesbearing lenses,normally forvisioncorrection,eyeprotection,or for protection fromUV rays. Where it ismade:Specsavers–Europe, includingUKandGuernsey. REASONING Moving Forward CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Moving Forward Imagining Change Ignorance IsBliss TheClimate AndMe Changing World Launch activity - Images REASONING Moving Forward CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Moving Forward Imagining Change Ignorance IsBliss TheClimate AndMe Changing World Launch activity -WorldMap REASONING -> -> -> Indesit www.indesit.co.uk/indesit - electrical appliance manufacturer. Toyota www.toyota.co.uk - car manufacturer. Apple www.apple.com - American multinational corporation that designs and manufacturers consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers, the ipod, the iphone and the ipad. Jordan’s cereals www.jordanscereals.co.uk - producer and exporter of cereals and snacks. Specsavers www.specsavers.co.uk - UK optician and lens manufacturer. L’Oreal www.loreal-paris.co.uk - large range of beauty products. IKEA www.ikea.com - Scandinavian modern style furniture and accessories. McDonalds www.mcdonalds.co.uk - fast food chain. Worldmapper www.worldmapper.org - a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. Just Maps www.justmaps.org - search for any world map for any part of the world in various groupings. Steelcase www.steelcase.com - global office furniture manufacturer who made the ‘think chair’. Minddraw www.minddraw.com - information about drawing and using mind maps and concept maps.