Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective ENQUIRY To critically assess information and use this to predict an outcome. Climate change - changes in the Earth’s climate, issues associated with the impact on world communities and to what extent are humans responsible for creating the change. Carbon footprint - the amount of non-renewable resources used, and greenhouse gases emitted, either directly or indirectly by an individual, organisation, community or product. Interest rate - a fee paid on borrowed assets. It is the price paid for the use of borrowed money, or money earned by deposited funds. Lobby - a group of people who try actively to influence those in power for example to change legislation, company production policies for child labour. Debt - money or goods or services owed by one person to another. Legislation - the act of making or enacting laws. Political uprising - a revolt against a Government or it’s policies. CL IMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Action Active Citizenship Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Creative Thinking Enquiry Key Words 28 Groupwork -MysteryTwo -Why can’tAfia go to school? Biodiversity & POVERTY | WORKSHEET 1.2 ChangingWorlds CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Afia is 14.Shehas fourbrothers, twoolder thanherwhoattend the localsecondaryschool and twoyoungerwhogo to theprimaryschool. Afia isverygoodatcookingandstrongenough tocarryfirewoodandwater long distances. Afiaenjoyedgoing to the localprimaryschoolandwasverysuccessful. Afia’s father,Albertdied fromanaids related illnesswhenshewas 11. Afia’smothersellsanysparevegetables from theirsmallplot,butonlymakesabout$4a week. Afia’snieceAugustine,who isnine,now liveswith the familyasherparentswerekilled in thepoliticaluprising fouryearsago. Since2005, theGovernmenthasmadeaprimaryandsecondaryschoolavailable inall communities. In2003, theBritishGovernmentcancelledalldebts toThirdWorldCountries. Governmentschoolsare free for localchildren.But theyhave topay$20ayear forschool booksand$15 forschooluniform. TheGovernmentopens twonew teacher trainingcolleges in thecapitalcity. Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Imagining Change Changing World ENQUIRY ENQUIRY Plenary Create a ‘graffiti wall’ of extra questions that pupils come up with during and following the group work mystery question. These could be used in an additional P4C session or if they are ‘expert’ questions they could be sent to an appropriate ‘expert’ to answer. Create a ‘what if?’ montage of images and questions. ‘What if these events become more frequent and affect more people?’ create more ‘what if’s?’. Extension Investigate further changes in business and enterprises (locally, regionally, nationally and globally) that have ceased to function or have made changes that can be attributed climate change. This could be an increased number of vineyards in the UK, or the growth of businesses manufacturing equipment for alternative sources of energy equipment. 10 mins - what’s in the news today? Examples of environmental change (local, regional, national and global). Half an hour - start to record an annual calendar of events indicating environmental change in your area that could be attributed to climate change. Two hours - create and carry out an interview/questionnaire with local businesses, politicians, citizens or unemployed in your local area. Find out what positive and negative examples of change have occurred in your community over the last 10 years that could be attributed to climate change. Longer - monitor local weather and notable seasonal events. Link this with the annual calendar created above. What changes are taking place? Find local businesses that can be described as ’ethical’ for their environmental standards. Find a way to share this information with other local businesses, to help support them in improving their understanding of environmental changes, so they lessen their impact and can plan for any possible changes.