Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective CREATIVE THINKING To think critically and creatively about communities and individuals adopting a more sustainable way of life. Innovative - a new way of doing something. Sustainable - the ability to maintain things over a period of time without depleting resources. Carbon Footprint - the amount of non-renewable resources used, and greenhouse gases emitted, either directly or indirectly by an individual, organisation, community or product. Green - a term assigned to practices or products that are claimed not to negatively affect the natural environment. Ethical - something that is deemed to be principally and morally correct. Ethics can be something that is studied as a question about what is right or wrong or it can be a guide to the way that someone chooses to live. Renewable – something that comes from a natural source and that can be naturally replenished or extended over time, for example renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. Carbon dioxide – a gas generated as a by- product of burning fossil fuels and from other chemical processes that is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Organic – when foodstuffs are grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Emissions – refers to the amount of gases being released into the Earth’s atmosphere from natural processes and human activity, often called greenhouse gases. CL IMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Action Active Citizenship Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Enquiry Creative Thinking Key Words 30 Biodiversity & POVERTY | WORKSHEET 1.2 ImaginingChange CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Launch activity -Cookingmethods Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change CREATIVE THINKING Biodiversity & POVERTY | WORKSHEET 1.2 ImaginingChange CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Launch activity -Cleaning Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change CREATIVE THINKING -> CREATIVE THINKING Biodiversity & POVERTY | WORKSHEET 1.2 ImaginingChange CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Launch activity -Lighting Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change CREATIVE THINKING -> -> Groupwork -ProductEvaluationworksheet Biodiversity & POVERTY | WORKSHEET 1.2 ImaginingChange CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change Nameof product Producer Consumer Environmental impact Making the product Using the product What happenswhen wehave finishedwith theproduct Howdowemake themostefficientandsustainableproductsavailable to thosecommunities thatcan’tcurrentlyaccess them? CREATIVE THINKING Plenary Each group presents their ideas and pupils have to vote on the most innovative and useful. Is it realistic? How do we get more people to challenge and question what happens in their current lifestyle? Extension What career path could you take to help work towards a more sustainable future? Divide the class into groups to research careers locally, regionally, nationally and globally and establish what qualifications or training you might need to achieve that career. Can you get these in your school? 10 mins - what is a carbon footprint? How can you measure one? How big is your school’s carbon footprint? Half an hour - lots of emphasis is placed on using a person’s carbon footprint to assess their impact. Is there a better way we can assess our impact on the planet and the link to climate change? Two hours - following on from the extension activity, research further the local examples of people who have chosen an environmental career path. Invite them into school and run a question and answer session. Longer - research schools in the region to find out which has the lowest carbon footprint. List what they are doing and find out whether any of these could help to improve your school. Make an action plan to present to your school council and senior management team so that you can work to create a better school. If you are doing better than other schools celebrate your success by offering to help, through a sharing assembly or working alongside them.