Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Thinking Skills Objective EVALUATION To evaluate information and to judge the accuracy of that information. Green wash - a term used to describe the act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service. Eco tourism - environmentally responsible travel that benefits biodiversity and local communities. Humanitarian - someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms. Anti-consumerist - the socio-political movement against consumerism; the equation of personal happiness against consumption and the purchase of material possessions. Pledge - a solemn promise to do something. Ethical - something that is deemed to be principally and morally correct. Ethics can be something that is studied as a question about what is right or wrong or it can be a guide to the way that someone chooses to live. Renewable – something that comes from a natural source and that can be naturally replenished or extended over time, for example renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. Carbon dioxide – a gas generated as a by- product of burning fossil fuels and from other chemical processes that is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Organic – when foodstuffs are grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Emissions – refers to the amount of gases being released into the Earth’s atmosphere from natural processes and human activity, often called greenhouse gases. CL IMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Action Active Citizenship Evaluation Reasoning Information Processing Enquiry Creative Thinking Key Words 32 Groupwork -SWOTAnalysis TheSWOTanalysishelpsyouevaluateaproductoractivity. S -Strengths W -Weaknesses O -Opportunities T -Threats Product: Howgood is thisproduct for theenvironment,producerandconsumer Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats In years time Ignorance IsBliss CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY Ignorance IsBliss Moving Forward TheClimate AndMe Changing World Imagining Change Now EVALUATION EVALUATION Plenary Pupils decide which of the products/approaches they have analysed may become obsolete in the future. Is that a good or bad thing for the producer, consumer and environment? Extension Honest adverts. Re-design an advert to make it completely truthful and honest. Would the product sell? 10 mins - recommend top five ways to make a new years resolution/ pledge that is worthwhile and will last for more than just a few weeks. Half an hour - check out other ways of making pledges that would ease the impact of climate change. Two hours - select an advert that has made strong environmental claims/links. Contact the company and ask it to share the evidence that justifies its claims. Longer - take an advertising campaign on energy or resource management, and change the advert so it has more relevance for a youth audience (i.e. your peers). Evaluate how effective it would be by working with other classes, schools or sharing it on a local learning platform.