Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

‘No one gets rich growing coffee’. Thinking Allowed, Radio 4. 2010. ‘You can never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something; build a new model that makes the old one obsolete.’ Buckminster Fuller. ‘Being less bad is not the same as being good’. Micheal Braungart and William McDonough. ‘Why isn’t this programme on primetime BBC 1 and put on before Eastenders? This programme should be seen by every UK citizen, MP and westerner on the plant. We all take advantage of the third world, we are a society that is programmed to consume, buy cheap and throw it away; its disgusting. To the makers of this programme make more, and show it in schools. As a society we need to educate children that what we consume has a long chain and there are people with nothing giving us everything’. Blood Sweat and Luxuries Blog, BBC TV. 2010. 35 What others have said on their journey Image created by a.trotskyite.