Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

A New View for Development Our lives, today and in the future, are supported by our reliance on ‘views’: cheap energy, free and unlimited natural resources, free trade, good governance and a growing economy to name a few. We see these views as permanent, reliable pillars that support our development as human beings. What if we asked ‘how real and permanent are these views?’ What if rather than being fixed and immutable they were provisional, subject to change, decay, running out and revolution? How would we ensure our aspirations are met and dreams realised? Are we on firm or shaky ground? And if these views are not as permanent as we’d like to believe, do we have better options? We need to build appropriate views of the world based on how our aspirations and goals can be met. We need to test out these views and ensure that they will serve us well. P2P is about developing enquiring, imaginative and creative minds, seeking solutions that ensure our development is based on firm ground, that it responds positively and creatively to change, and that it reflects our, and others’, aspirations for now and the future. Don’t be afraid. P2P will ask you to look into places that appear dark and scary, posing questions that are sometimes uncomfortable. Our goal is to be positive. The real hope for a bright future today and tomorrow comes from realising that the best way to achieve it is to start hanging our dreams on more reliable hooks. ‘You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old one obsolete.’ Buckminster Fuller ? ? ? ? How might this look? We often build our dreams on shaky foundations. Dreaming of a fast car. Dreams (our goals and aspirations) Views (those things upon which dreams depend) Fast Car Poor countries do not develop Cheap oil Limitless oil supply Low taxation 1