Poverty 2 Prosperity - Challenge Pack

Global understanding... Our lives are so intimately connected around the world – for example nearly everything that you buy will connect you to at least one other country in the world. Some people say that ‘charity begins at home’, but the welfare of everyone, at home and around the world, is connected and interdependent. As a small group: Set up a campaign group to affiliate to WDM, Amnesty International or Oxfam, if there isn’t one in your locality, and support the international campaigns suggested above. As an individual: Write letters of support to prisoners of conscience in other countries. Learn about the Millennium Development Goals and sign petitions on global development issues that are used to lobby governments to focus on international development targets As a community: There may be an active Fair Trade Network in your community and together you can lobby businesses and community groups to take an interest in trade justice, rights of producers and why fairtrade is relevant and important. Look for your local World Development Movement (WDM) group, campaigning on trade justice and equality. Join a local Amnesty International group and campaign for human rights Join the Oxfam youth board and get involved in young people’s actions in your region. Oxfam – www.oxfam.org.uk World Development Movement (WDM) – www.wdm.org.uk Amnesty International – www.Amnesty.org.uk Global Classrooms – www.globalclassrooms.co.uk Millennium Development Goals – www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ Fairtrade Foundation – www.fairtrade.org.uk Transition Towns – www.transitiontowns.org.uk Global Dimension – www.globaldimension.org.uk DEA - www.dea.org.uk OneWorld - uk.oneworld.net 38